Smooth Fox Terrier
Smooth Fox Terrier |
Officially, we still have no freakin’ clue what she is. When
I found Penny on the website she was listed as a Fox Terrier Mix, whatever that
may be. She does look a lot like a smooth fox terrier, except her ears stand
straight up to a point. Fox Terriers ears are supposed to flop over slightly.
They also are only supposed to get between 13 – 20 pounds. Penny is well over
that at a fit 27 pounds. So, we know she’s not a fox terrier; or at least not a
pure bred.
Pit Bull |
The paperwork we received from the shelter has her listed as
Pit/Terrier mix. I don’t particularly see why she would be considered a Pit
Bull mix as none of her physical characteristics appear that way to me. Perhaps
whoever stated this felt it was due to her size. She is very muscular, but not
stocky like a pit bull. Most Terriers are muscular so I’m can’t say if that was
the reasoning. Pit Bull’s range from 15 – 20 inches tall and between 20 – 55 pounds.
I hope she doesn’t get that big! Her head is not as big or “brick shaped” as a
Pit Bull either. The main thing she is lacking that would make her a Pit Bull
is a neck. This poor thing’s neck is very skinny, more like a Rat Terrier’s
neck than a Pit Bull’s.
Doberman Pinscher |
We mentioned at one time that she did have a slight Doberman
look to her. Specifically her head and posture. I think one of the giveaway
features that indicate she is not a Doberman is her ears point up. While most people
think a Doberman’s ears are pointed, they are not naturally. Many people
participate in the barbaric practice of trimming the ears. While she does have
the face of a Doberman, her face also resembles that of a terrier.
Rat Terrier |
When I first saw her online I thought she was a Rat Terrier.
Rat Terrier’s ears are supposed to stand up to a point, which hers do. She even
has all the right colors, stance, and looks of a Rat Terrier. This is why I
initially thought she was one. That is until I saw how huge she is. Rat
Terriers range from the smaller 6 – 8 pounders to the largest 14 – 23 pounders.
Heights also vary between 8 inches to 23 inches. So, Penny could be a Rat
Terrier that is exceptionally large, but this is doubtful. She weighs in at a
fit 27 pounds and is approximately 22 inches at the shoulder and around 28
inches at the head. She’s in the range, but at the very top of it. I personally
have never seen a Rat Terrier over a fit 15 pounds. I think she probably is at
least part Rat, but don’t believe she’s full blooded.
Penny's First Day Home
December 22, 2014 |
Whatever she is we love her. She has fit in wonderfully with
our family and is a never ending fountain of entertainment. I am so glad that
we decided to find a shelter dog. We really got a great one with Penny.
What's Next?
Next I will tell about Penny's new toys and where she puts them.
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